Where do you look for inspiration?
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What websites do you troll?

When I need some inspiration for baking, I look in my pantry for what kinds of chocolate I have on hand. I also look for what kinds of oats and sugars are free flowing, just waiting to be baked. I am often surprised by what I find! Today, I stumbled upon a purchase I made earlier this year and was

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Chocolate cupakes

A few weeks ago I was asked to bake for an event. My immediate response was, why not?! I love baking and I love making other people smile when I do. After committing, I was a bit overwhelmed to realize that in the fine print of the opportunity, my task was to bake for a women’s night for 90 women. Oh my goodness… this was nothing like I had done before. Now it was time to step up my game! Having baked for multiple weddings in my baking career (including my own!), I remembered that baking for this many people is a lot of pressure! My baking would be put under the microscope, especially because there were going to be a lot of bakers in the group. I knew I had to impress, so I went to work in my small kitchen and came out with the decadent chocolate cupcakes that you are witnessing right now. I shipped them off to the women’s night and the feedback I got was great. Every single cupcake was devoured. Cheers to taking on bigger and better challenges in life! 

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I have been dreaming of having the aromas of lemon poppy seed cake in my  wonderful Calgary abode for quite some time. Do you know the one thing that has been holding me back every single time?? I never have poppy seeds in my house! I mean, come on Male Baker, get with the program! How could a guy like me not carry such an important item in my super stocked baking cupboard? So, now that my cupboard is complete with a jar of poppy seeds, please enjoy the following recipe. Now it’s your turn…go out and buy yourself some poppy seeds and make this amazing lemon poppy seed cake.

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