First off, I have to announce that The Male Baker is married! Back on November 5th, I said “I do” to my wonderful wife Hannah. Since then, I cannot stop thinking about the ever soo scrumptious whoopie pie bar at our wedding. Throughout the months before November 5th, I spent a lot of my time thinking about what I could bake for the dessert at our reception. A couple months before our wedding, I decided that whoopie pies would make a classy, delicious, and unique dessert. But just a stack of plain whoopie pies, lacked the zest I wanted for an unforgettable dessert. Luckily, one sunny afternoon in Santa Barbara, Greg Spencer, my father-in-law, came up with a brilliant idea! I am sure his idea came to surface while he was on his front porch, grading way too many papers with a hot cup of coffee at his side…a Whoopie Pie Bar for the wedding! Just pure genius right??!!!!

A week before the wedding I, The Male Baker/Groom, went to work. I concocted up three kinds of cakes and three kinds of icings and enough batter for 130+ people to have 3 whoopie pies each! This turned out to be more challenging than I had anticipated.  Thanks to Hannah (my wife), Janet (mother-in-law), Greg (father-in-law), Jon (my bro), and Uncle John for helping out along the way! Baking 400 whoopie’s with one oven was shockingly a lot of work. I have to wonder if this was Greg’s idea all along…to watch his future son-in-law struggle to bake the entire dessert for his own wedding? Hmmmm…

The way a whoopie pie bar works is really similar to any sort of sundae bar or a make your own pizza bar.

Step 1: Grab 2 (or 4 or 6) whoopie pie cakes (Pumpkin pie whoopies, red velvet whoopies, chocolate whoopies)

Step 2: Load em’ up with your choice of icing (Peanut butter-add 3 tbsp to plain cream cheese recipe, maple syrup-add 2 tsp maple extract to plain cream cheese recipe, and plain cream cheese icing)

Step 3: Add toppings…

Step 4: Eat the whoopie’s!

Pretty simple, right?!

Anyway, take a peek at the whoopie pie pictures so maybe you can one day bake dessert for the next wedding or party you are apart of!

Thanks for all the great shots Char Beezy!