After searching for the next recipe to put on my blog, I decided on Zebra cookies. Not only do they have cream cheese in the batter to make them extra soft and chewy but they have Hugs on the top that just melt in your mouth after each bite. I have to give props to Sugar Plum for these cookies. If it were not for her idea, than they would not be found on The Male Baker blog for your enjoyment!

Although these cookies sound delicious, they are not. They are extra super duper delicious! I doubled the recipe yesterday and they are almost all gone. My guess is that they are different enough than any other cookie so people almost always go for seconds. In my belly, there are already approximately

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Here is a little taste from my childhood. Although I always want the best for my followers, I had to think twice about putting one of my moms best muffin recipes on my blog. But after all the pros and cons were thought out in my mind, I could not hide this one from you!

Growing up I vividly remember many mornings and evenings when these delicious blueberry streusel muffins would come out of the oven! My siblings and I would just go wild whenever we knew these muffins were being baked. We could not keep our hands off of them, even when they were piping hot out of the oven.

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Who would have ever thought about baking Black Forest cake cookies?

As soon as I saw this recipe in Baked: New Frontiers In Baking, by Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito, I had to try it. It was on mind for quite some time to bake these cookies but I just never got around to doing it, until now and boy did it rattle my sweet tooth in a very good way. The big adjustment that I made to this recipe was to not refrigerate the cookie dough before baking them. It gave these Black Forest cookies a much different texture than the Baked cookies and that is why I gave it a different name; Black Forest Crinkle Cookies. Although it is not your typical cookie texture, light, brownie-ish and crumbly, these Crinkles make for some great treats. They can be paired with some vanilla ice cream if you would like an explosion in your mouth (I do advise this type of activity!).

Another way to enjoy these Black Forest Crinkle Cookies is on a long

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